Crystals of Hope

Experience the prequel to the game «Ministry of Mystery».

Your boss, Runa Black, gives you the task of recovering the «Crystals of Hope». Their whereabouts are no longer secret and the enemies of the «Ministry of Mystery» are already on their way to steal them. Are you quick enough to find all the crystals before they do and can you avert the evil that could be inflicted with them? Your journey will take you to Egypt, India and China.

  • Number of players
    1-6 players
  • Duration
    60-120 minutes
  • Price
    CHF 35 / Game
  • Language
    German or English
  • Typ
    Online escape game
  • Genre

Are you fast enough to find all the Crystals of Hope and use them to save the world from the enemies of the Ministry of Mystery?


  • Buy an account for the game in our shop (further down on this homepage). You need one access per group.
  • Share this link with your friends.
  • As soon as everyone is ready, you can all access the link.
  • We recommend that you connect via video chat of your choice.
  • All people with the same link are automatically in the same game.


  • Melanie Grauer
  • Jan Zablonier
  • Daniel Bosshart
  • Samuel Schuhmacher
  • Zéa Schaad

  • Families
  • Fans of the Ministry of Mystery
  • Lovers of art and culture
  • Fans of classic point and click games
  • Puzzle freaks

The following requirements must be fulfilled in order for the game to run smoothly:

  • The game must be played on a computer. Tablets and mobiles are not supported.
  • The following browsers are supported: Firefox (at least 75.0), Chrome (at least 81.0.4044.113), Safari (at least 13.1) Microsoft Edge (at least 81.0.416.53)
  • Deactivate pop-up blockers.

Report any problems:


  • Before the game
  • Switch on the speaker
    Switch on the speakers on your computer. You will need them for certain puzzles.
  • Pen & paper
    For certain puzzles it is helpful if you can make notes.
  • How the game works
  • View images
    Take a close look at the illustrations by our artists. What can you discover? Look closely!
  • Click on objects
    You can click on certain places and objects. This will take you to new places or allow you to take a closer look at the objects.
  • Pausing possible at any time
    The game can be paused at any time.


The scale is meant to aid in decision-making. It indicates whether the game focuses primarily on the puzzles of a classic escape room or is centered more around a captivation, story-based experience. This allows you to choose your own preferred direction of play.

